Many Lenovo G500 user faces camera driver problem while trying to install the driver. Instead during installation of the driver, you may find that you may not be able to install the driver. But, you will get a pop-up Warning No Appropriate Driver to be installed.
To fixed this problem follow the below steps:
1. After you get the pop-up, close it and go to C:\Driver (If C is the your system drive) and find the folder named something like 14. Camera Driver (AVC, Bison, Chicony, Lite-On). Inside this folder open the HD folder and install any driver that is compatible with your camera (You may have to try and installed all of them).
Note: You may skip the above step.
2. Next, download the software called Lenovo YouCam Camera and install it. After installation please restart your system. Now open the Lenovo YouCam program that you have installed and you camera will be working.
We hope that you found this article helpful. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave us a comment.
cant find HD folder, whats that mean?
I downloaded the Lenovo YouCam and it says that it can only be installed on a LEGEND dragon system. What does that mean?? I JUST bought this computer and the camera worked a couple days ago just fine! Now all of a sudden my ZOOM, Skype, FB camera, nothing works. I was on support for 2 hours with zoom and the guy didn't have to help me, but he took over my computer trying to figure it out and got me this link to try out.
@Clobes The solution above is only for Lenovo G500. It seems you are using a different model. Also, it might not work on Windows 8.1
i have lenovo g 580 & win 7 operating sys. when i install cam driver then one message on desktop no appropirate driver to intalled..
i follow you given step but not response.. pls help me..
Have you download and installed the Lenovo YouCam Camera given in the article? If not, download and install it and let me know if it is working. I will be happy to assist you.
you mean i install camera driver in( c/driver/Camera Driver/hd),driver are already insall here so………..ohkk m trying but the same massage i found that no appropriate drive to be install…………now what i can do………..plzzzzzzzz help me
The next thing you need to do is download Lenovo YouCam Camera from the link above and install it.